Chevo Consulting, LLC (Chevo) is excited to announce our growing long-term partnership with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as a prime awardee on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) Enterprise Small Business (ESB) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) contract. As one of seven Track 1 awardees of this $450M BPA, Chevo will compete for and deliver Professional Services supporting CBP’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) across seven task areas: Portfolio, Program and Project Management; Executive Administration, Communications and Engagement; Business Intelligence and Data Analytics; Business and Technology Transformation; Acquisition Management; Records and Information Management Support; and Logistics and Asset Management.

CBP ESB: Seven Core Disciplines

The CBP ESB BPA contract includes services across seven core disciplines:

Portfolio, Program, and Project Management

Team Chevo will support CBP’s objectives to manage portfolios, programs, projects, services, and activities efficiently and effectively. Team Chevo will support portfolio acquisition management activities to include, but not limited, portfolio-level analysis, collection, and management of investment data from across OIT IT portfolio, monitor and track compliance with CBP and DHS acquisition policies and processes, reporting requirements (e.g., Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC), DHS Acquisition Directive (D) – 102-01, and Acquisition Program Managers’ (APM) certifications).

Executive Administration, Communications, and Engagement Services

Team Chevo will provide customer and communication support activities to assist CBP in Executive Administration, Communications and Engagement and quality communications across work streams. Team Chevo will also support CBP’s objective to mature stakeholder and customer relationships through a more focused and managed approach.

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Team Chevo will support CBP’s objective to improve data-driven decision making through the effective use of both qualitative and quantitative data. CBP’s vision is enhancing the nation’s security through innovation, intelligence, collaboration, and trust. Team Chevo will provide business intelligence and data analyst, along with Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support to enhance security of our nation.

Business and Technology Transformation

Transformation of CBP’s business processes through the utilization of technology advancements contribute to CBP Strategic Goals, Objectives, and Strategic Initiatives. Team Chevo will provide SME and support management of new technology product developments to gain operational efficiencies, cost savings, and technological advancements.

Acquisition Management

Team Chevo will assist, support, and provide guidance regarding acquisition and procurement processes and pre- and post-award activities.

Records and Information Management Support Services

Team Chevo will support CBP’s objective to mature, integrate, and sustain CBP’s Records and Information Management (RIM) Program and internal controls to ensure compliance with DHS and Federal Records and Information Management policies, directives and regulations. Team Chevo will support the CBP RIM program in a full spectrum of information governance, records management, policy and process development and sustainment, program management and reporting, training, and communications activities necessary to maintain the Program’s ongoing operations and ensure compliance with the Federal Records Act and associated directives and regulations.

Logistics and Asset Management

Team Chevo will support CBP logistics and asset management (Instruction Guide for Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Detailed Specification Template HB-5200-2) in a full spectrum of activities necessary to maintain the ongoing operations. Team Chevo will apply Information Technology Management and Refresh DHS Directive 138-03 – 03/30/2018.

Why Chevo is your CBP ESB Prime

The Chevo-Aretum Contracting Teaming Agreement (CTA) is an organization designed to provide experience and skills that strengthen CBP’s capabilities and strategic advancement. We are:

Chevo Consulting, LLC is a Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) that helps change and evolve federal agencies, their portfolios, and programs through practical implementation of unbiased advice. Chevo is a trusted advisor and practitioner in Strategic, Acquisition, Portfolio, Program, Project, and Financial Management. With over 30 projects delivered in DHS, including Program Management for the License Plate Reader program, we can deliver immediate results for CBP today while supporting the strategic evolution required for tomorrow and beyond

Aretum (Legacy Panum and Miracle Systems), has supported CBP’s OIT, Acquisition Support Division (ASD), and Procurement Directorate (PD) and CBP OFAM FM&E over eight years. They provide solutions in Program Management, Acquisition Management, Records Management, Logistics, and Training, resulting in program success, acquisition consolidation, and budgetary transparency. We refine and develop an innovative approach using data analytics and business intelligence that help our clients make rapid, analytically informed planning decisions, with integrated data, standard processes, and defensible models.

Other Chevo CBP ESB Info

CBP ESB info

            Contract Number
            • 70B04C23A00000061

            • H3UEVKGGU2A4

            NAICS Code
            • 541611

Points Of Contact

Greg Williams
Contract Manager
(T) 301 309 0040 x242
(C) 703 851 5933
Vineet Vij
Program Manager
(T) 301 309 0040 x266